HRD Contacts

FDLRS (Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System) is part of the district's Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department.  The HRD staff plan and provide information, training, technical assistance/consultation and resources related to effective instructional strategies and models for the education of children and youth who are exceptional and/or have unique needs based on locally assessed needs and established priorities. 

Are you looking for information on Hillsborough County Public Schools HR Department?  If so, please visit Personnel Services / Contacts (

Samantha Jaksec

Image of Sam J
Coordinator, HRD
(813) 837-7799

Pamela Czekaj

Image of Pam C
HRD Specialist

Tim Waite

Image of Tim Waite
HRD Specialist

Stephanie Woods

Image of Stephanie

HRD Specialist