Child Find / Pre-Kindergarten Assessment & Educational Planning Process for Hillsborough County Public Schools

Early Steps to School Services 

Is your child transitioning from Early Steps?  What is involved in the transition? Why does my child have to leave Early Steps?  Is my child eligible for school district services? 

Assessment and Educational Planning
Simplifying Transition & Commonly Asked Questions
Transition Brochure

Downloadable Packet

Child Find to School Services

Was your child screened and recommended for evaluation and educational planning due to concerns about his/her developmental skills? 

Assessment and Educational Planning
The Individual Education Plan(IEP) Process 
Making Sense of Alphabet Soup
Child Find Road Map

Downloadable Packet



Are there any free tools that are available to me to help educate me?

Special Ed Connection - Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System

I need financial assistance for my childcare, who can help? 

School Readiness Program - Early Learning Coalition
Additional Resources

Is my child close to meeting his/her developmental milestones? 

Your Child at 3 Years (milestones) - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Your Child at 4 Years (milestones) - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Milestone Checker Age 0 to 5 - Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County

Is there parent training available that I can attend? 

Parents as Teachers  - Champions for Children
Positive Parenting Partnerships (P3) - Champions for Children
FDLRS Parent Services Workshops - FDLRS Parent Services
Additional Resources

Is there someone I can call for general questions or help?

Parent Liaison Project - Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System

My child is 4, can he/she attend VPK?

VPK Education Program - Office of Early Learning

Once my child has turned 3, what programs are available to my child within the community? 

School Readiness Program  - Early Learning Coalition
VPK Education Program  - Office of Early Learning
Head Start - Office of Early Learning

What are my rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

Procedural Safeguards - Florida Department of Education

What resources in the community are available for my child or our family?

Family Resource Centers - Children's Board Hillsborough County
Parents as Teachers - Champions for Children
Positive Parenting Partnerships (P3) - Champions for Children
Community Resource Guide - Crisis Center of Tampa Bay
Additional Resources

What type of resources are available for counseling and mental health?

Community Resource Guide - Crisis Center of Tampa Bay

 Do you have any tips for parents? 

Positive Parenting Tips  - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Healthy Child Development (Age 2-3 Years) - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Healthy Child Development (Age 3-5 Years) - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

 Where can I find childcare or other service providers in my community? 

Child Care Resource & Referral - Early Learning Coalition

Christina Pickering
Child Find Coordinator
(813) 837-7788

logo, hands holding the words child find